Offerings, Donations and Givings

As the Lord leads you in terms of offerings and giving, different options are available:

Online on Church Center site:

Or with Church Center App account:

One-time or recurring donations are possible. Debit or Credit card can be used.

For app: download & install (iOS or Android) then search "Grace Church West Hill" in Toronto, Canada; the Church will show the picture of our church sign (right). Once signed up, follow instructions on the App.

PAR (Pre-authorized Remittance):

Regular donations through monthly automated debit from bank account. Forms are available from the office and on the information table at entrance or can be printed from here. Complete and return the PAR form to the office.

Mail a cheque to the church:

Write cheque out to "Grace Presbyterian Church", mail to GraceChurch, 447 Port Union Rd. Scarborough, ON, M1C2L6

If possible, use a brown envelope, wrap cheque in a sheet of paper. Do not indicate that a cheque is inside (e.g. don't mark as "Treasurer").

E-transfer from bank:

E-transfer from bank:

Use security answer: grace

One-time donations are possible; recurring donations not yet enabled. For general instructions see Interac E-transfer 

Cash or Cheque in person:

On a Sunday, place in offering during service or in the box at the entrance to the sanctuary. Cheques need to be made out to "Grace Presbyterian Church" Other times, drop off at the office during open hours. Envelopes can be provided as needed. Email if a numbered set envelopes is preferred.

Charitable receipts:

Charitable receipts will be given at year end where a name and address has been provided with donations.

Fund Categories

Contributions will go to the General fund by default. Other funds such as Missions, Deacons/Helps, or funds mentioned during a service, can be specified. State amounts for specific funds on PAR form, on envelopes, or drop-down lists for online giving.